Carrboro was notified yesterday that their Town Hall would not be used as a one-stop early voting site in May. Apparently, the Orange County Board of Elections has decided to only have two one-stop locations for this year's primary: Morehead Planetarium in Chapel Hill, and the Board's own office in Hillsborough. The e-mail below indicates that there will still be an early voting site in Carrboro for the Novemeber general election, but doesn't offer any explanation for the primary change.
Candidate filing for 2010 elections starts today at noon. Folks only have two and a half weeks (until February 26th) to declare their intent to run in the May primary (and presumably the November general election). Information will be posted at the Orange County Board of Elections.
The offices that will be on the ballot this year are: County Commissioner (districts 1 & 2 and at-large), Clerk of Court, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Orange County Board of Education, State Senate, State House, Soil Conservation District Supervisor (non-partisan, no primary).
Help me keep an eye on the BOE page, and let everyone know if anything interesting happens!
2010 Candidate Filing Period
The 2010 candidate filing period begins at noon on Monday, February 8
and ends at noon on Friday, February 26 at the Orange County Board of
Elections located at 208 South Cameron Street in Hillsborough.
All Notices of Candidacy, together with the proper filing fee, must
be in the possession of the Orange County Board of Elections by noon on
Friday, February 26. Filing will be open for the following offices:
State Senate, State House of Representatives, County Commissioner,
Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Clerk of Court and Orange County Board of
Education. Notices arriving after that time cannot be accepted. Filing
fees exceeding $50.00 must be paid with individual check or money
order, payable to the "Orange County Board of Elections". Business or
corporate checks are not acceptable.
Information on the 2010 election, including filing fees, can be found on the Board of Elections website http://www.co.orange.nc.us/elect/ or by contacting the Orange County Board of Elections at 245-2350.
Monday, February 8, 2010 - 7:00am to Friday, February 26, 2010 - 7:00am
208 South Cameron Street, Hillsborough
Given a few recent political developments this week on the national scale I think it is important to draw attention to them before we start seeing negative local implications. With Scott Brown winning Ted Kennedy's old seat and ensuring unending threats of filibusters, with Air America radio declaring bankruptcy we are losing their progressive voice in a media medium that was already dominated by the right, and most especially with the conservative majority on SCOTUS siding on the side of corporate personhood and unlimited corporate financial influence on elections which the republican leadership is already openly cheering... we have to act now before the next elections. Start by signing this: http://www.savedemocracy.net
Kirk Ross had a good preview of the coming electoral season in The Carrboro Citizen last week. He highlighted the battle for Ellie Kinnaird's N.C. Senate seat as she will really be retiring this year (we think.) I'm amused that after his bold declaration that he'd be back after losing to Kinnaird in the 2008 primary, Moses Carey is now quietly enjoying his N.C. state goverment appointment instead of gearing up for a campaign.
Kirk also introduced the emerging races for County Comissioner...
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