
News and opinions related to local elections.

Turn on the lights

The power is out in various places around town. So far I've heard Morgan Creek and Village West are dark, and police are conducting traffic at the intersections of MLK and Umstead/Hillsborough, and at Franklin and Estes.

Other reports?

Here's a dynamically updated map. The latest is also available at http://www.duke-energy.com/outages/map/triangle.htm

Local & State Campaign Reform Efforts

At the request of the Chapel Hill Town Council, Sen. Ellie Kinnaird has introduced a bill to allow Chapel Hill to sponsor a public financing program for its local elections, using local resources. The bill is SB 418 "CHAPEL HILL CAMPAIGN FINANCE OPTIONS." Apparently, the Carrboro Board of Aldermen have also asked for such a bill, which she will also be introducing. Needless to say, the Home-Builders-Etc. will fight these bills even though they are local bills. I hope folks will support these local efforts to create proactive solutions to the money in politics dilemma.

In other public financing news, Democracy North Carolina has launched a new website and petition in the wake of the recent Jim Black scandal: http://CleanUpRaleigh.com

Democracy North Carolina, currently based in Carrboro, but soon to be based in Durham (perhaps we can talk about the issue of affordable space for Orange County non-profits in another post) has been calling for public financing of campaigns or "Voter-Owned Elections" for years.

Elizabeth Edwards, keeping it real

I swear Rosemary and I didn't plan this, but I just read and wanted to post about this article by my friend Micah Sifry about Elizabeth Edwards. He says she is the "only person who I think we can genuinely say is participating in the blogosphere, as opposed to just using it." One of his supporting examples is Eliabeth's visit to OP to answer some questions I had raised about the location of their new home and the status of their voter registration.

As usual, she responded openly and directly. As I wrote to Micah, Elizabeth is so smart and fierce and charming it's scary. Further proof was seen in her graceful handling of that clown Chris Matthews on live TV recently. I sometimes have complaints about her husband's policies (the same I have of almost every Democrat), but as a person I only admire her more the more I get to know her. I wish nothing but the best to the entire Edwards family.

Dec. 30 Edwards announcement in Southern Village

The John Edwards campaign staff is moving into offices in Southern Village. From Dec. 28-30, Senator Edwards will be holding rallies in five different states, culminating with a rally here in Chapel Hill on Dec. 30 at 4 pm on the Southern Village Green. This will be a very special announcement. It is free of charge but attendees need tickets in advance. For free tickets, please visit www.johnedwardsevent.com . For questions, folks may call an Edwards staff person at (919) 265-7394.

It is very exciting to have this announcement happening in Chapel Hill!

Rosemary Waldorf

Donald Duck for Soil and Water?

I've been very impressed with the work done by the Orange County Board of Elections since its new director, Barry Garner, took over.

While I was managing Adam's campaign, they were always extremely fast in responding to information requests. Now they've taken what I believe to be the unprecedented step of tabulating and posting the write in totals for the Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor race, the full list of which you can see here.

Since no one really knows what the supervisors do and the races are nonpartisan, there are a lot of write in votes.

Some of the highlights:

Daffy Duck got a vote, but was far outpassed by Donald Duck who received four.

Jerry Garcia may have died over ten years ago, but at least a couple Deadheads think he would do a good job stewarding our natural resources.



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