The Triangle

Wake county just isn't crowded enough to support rail transit outside experts say

The panelists said Wake County was not likely to attract the federal funding it would need for a light rail line, and it doesn’t have a dense downtown employment center that would support rush-hour commuter trains.

“It’s a mass mode,” Polzin said. “And you need mass to make it work cost-effectively."

But Chapel Hill is going to bet $30 million (with Durham) that we could use for other transit on getting federal and state funding?  Now that's something worth ranting about!

Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit Project Public Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is to share with the public the 2012 scoping comments, how the Project staff addressed issues raised in the scoping comments, and the project alignments being evaluated in the Environmental Impact Statement phase.

Triangle Transit and the Project Team will be giving a presentation at 5:00 PM and another duplicate presentation at 6:00 PM. Doors will open at 4:30 PM.

Two additional meetings will be held in Durham County. See the link below for information about these meetings. 


Thursday, November 14, 2013 - 4:30pm to 7:00pm


The William and Ida Friday Center, 100 Friday Center Drive, Chapel Hill

Is there a fine line between engagable government and too sassy?

Hat tip to our friend Lee Storrow for noticing this blog post on "16 Sassy Tweets From The Nation's 16th Largest School District" about Wake County Schools' Twitter feed.

Orange County Ranks As The Second Healthiest County In The State (Again)

A WRAL report on a recent study out of the University of Wisconsin has Wake County as the healthiest county in the state.

Orange County placed a respectable second overall with first place finishes in the categories of health behaviors, clinical care, and social and economic factors and second place finishes in morbidity and mortality.  Unfortunately, our overall score was depressed by an eighth-place finish in physical environment.  I guess we know where we have our work cut out for us.

The Orange County scores are at:

This week in Transit: hearing Tues, votes Tues/Fri

Folks, it's almost here. Orange County Commissioners will hold mandatory public hearings on three items at 7 pm Tues 12/11 Southern Human Services Center Homestead Rd:

  • 1/2% Durham/Orange sales tax,
  • $7 annual Orange County vehicle registration fee, and
  • $3 Durham/Orange vehicle registration fee.

Commissioners have all three items on the agenda right after the hearing. The Durham Commissioners had their hearing and final vote on the sales tax two weeks ago. If approved by Orange, then the TTA Board will vote on the sales tax Friday at 1 pm, and that will be final vote. Collections would begin 4/1/13.



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