Chapel Hill shuts down Rogers Road Community Center

This month the Town of Chapel Hill followed up on their promise to help create a community center for the Rogers Road neighborhood by... shutting down the center that neighbors set up for themselves for code violations! What?

Did anyone at Town Hall think twice before doing this? Did anyone think 'given our huge debt to this community and our stated goal of supporting a community center there, how can we help improve this center and bring it up to code?'

No, as if they were computers instead of humans, they kicked the Rogers-Eubank Neighborhood Association out of their home. What were they thinking?

What to name Elementary #11?

Back in March, members of the OCTS-Lincoln-Northside alumni group spoke at a CHCCS School Board meeting asking that we name the new elementary school, located between McMasters and Caldwell, "Northside Elementary" to continue the proud tradition of education that has occurred on that site.

In our board meeting tonight,  there was a suggestion from a board member that we go ahead and act quickly on this, while we have plenty of things like Common Core and redistricting to worry about and we're down a staff member for community relations who would normally drive this process, and make the easy decision to name Elementary #11 as Northside Elementary.

OP has been a great source for name ideas before.  How does this community feel about resurrecting the Northside name for this elementary school?

Let's increase the ROI on Inter-city Visits

I've long been skeptical of the bi-annual Inter-city Visits organized by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, err sorry, that's actually the Chamber-owned Partnership for a Sustainable Community. The intention to visit a community and learn from their successess and failures is a good one. But the reality of an expensive trip with the wealthy and powerful of Chapel Hill - where the learning stops when the return flight touches down at RDU - is a little different.

Terrible news: The Carrboro Citizen may shut down if they don't find a new owner.

It sounds like Chapel Hill High is going from bad to worse with teachers being involuntarily reassigned.



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