Neighborhood Conservation Districts

One UNC Student's Experience With Finding Off-Campus Housing

I signed a new housing lease about a month ago in mid-October – a lease that won’t start until June of next year. This is how competitive student off-campus housing is in Chapel Hill, and the ever-high demand for student housing in Chapel Hill continues to negatively affect non-student renters. estimates that 90 percent of houses near campus fill up by October. From my experience, students looking to rent an affordable house (as opposed to a townhouse or apartment) begin the search as early as September. Every year this fight to find the closest, nicest and most affordable home puts additional stress on UNC students, and our desperation to sign a lease as soon as possible pits students against each other, increasing competition and driving prices up.

According to a 2010 report prepared by Development Concepts Inc., students make up about a third of all rented units in Chapel Hill (and rented housing comprises over half of all housing in Chapel Hill). We are a huge market for property owners and developers – on-campus housing can only accommodate 9,700 students, so the remaining 9,000 or so undergrads must find off-campus places.

Public hearing on Northside and Pine Knolls Community Plan

Via e-mail from the Town:

On Monday, November 21, 2011, the Town Council will hold a Public Hearing during which they will consider the adoption of the Northside and Pine Knolls Community Plan and the enactment of zoning amendments to the Northside and Pine Knolls Neighborhood Conservation Districts. The proposed Plan represents the Town and community response to the temporary moratorium in the Northside and Pine Knolls neighborhoods that was enacted by the Town Council on June 21, 2011.  I will forward the Public Hearing materials to this list prior to the meeting. 



Monday, November 21, 2011 - 7:00pm


Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill

Public Information Meeting for Glen Lennox NCD

This meeting is a part ofthe town's process for Glen Lennox residents to find out about Neighborhood Conservation Districts and help them decide how and whether to proceed with creating an NCD.



Tuesday, September 23, 2008 - 3:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall, Council Chambers

Save Glen Lennox

Glen Lennox

It seems that Grubb Properties wants to tear down Glen Lennox, a neighborhood of moderately-priced rentals, and rebuild more densely with a mix of uses including presumably higher-priced housing. The neighbors are applying for a Neighborhood Conservation District, which is, um, interesting. This isn't really what NCDs were designed to do - which is to protect the character and quality of neighborhoods as they change - but no-one seems to be using them for the intended purpose anyway. (Grumble.)


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