
The Social Justice of Public Transit

After years of planning and community discussion, the Orange County Board of Commissioners recently placed a referendum on the November ballot for a half-cent sales tax to support public transit. Together with state and federal contributions, the new revenue will support a 20-year investment in bus and rail service in Orange County. There are many reasons to support the transit tax, like reducing the environmental degradation wreaked by overreliance on car travel and the sprawl it generates. Often overlooked are the benefits of public transit for marginalized populations.

BoCC races to hammer out Transit Tax Agreement before election

At the eleventh hour, the BoCC is still working through important issues on the transit plan - including whether Chapel Hill Transit (CHT) can use the new sales tax funds for existing service. Under the current agreement, they cannot.  This is of particular concern given CHT's reliance on UNC funds and routing.  The current plan does not allow CHT to use sales tax funds to change their routes to fill in possible gaps created by changes in UNC''s routes.

Its hard to understand why this is coming up for the first time -but at least people may finally start talking about how the transit plan impacts CHT and the bus system that everyone loves.   Its especially difficult to understand why the county is so anxious to give control over transit to TTA. 

Great report by Chapelboro's Elizabeth Friend 

The video of the meeting is a worth a look

Commissioners Move Interlocal Agreement Forward

In a crowded meeting last night, the Board of County Commissioners reviewed and discussed the proposed interlocal implementation agreement for the recently adopted transit plan. The discussion centered around a few questions: who would be party to the agreement, who would have control over how much of the revenues brought in from the transit tax. I've excerpted the part of the more than 400-page agenda packet that concerns the agreement here for you to see the draft of the agreement itself.

DCHC MPO Transit Alternatives Analysis Public Workshop - Hillsborough

What is this program?

The DCHC MPO programs state and federal transportation projects in our region.  The MPO is reviewing different alternatives for meeting future transportation needs and inviting citizens to participate.  The public comment period will be from Friday, August 17, 2012 through Wednesday, October 10, 2012.


How can I participate?

There are several options for participating, including: -- Web site provides:

§  A description and presentation (tables and maps) of the alternatives – See “Alternatives Analysis” or use this link:


§  An email link for making comments; and,

§  List of opportunities to provide your comments at the local government level (see list in Introduction document).


Public Hearing – Citizens can provide feedback to local elected officials (Transportation Advisory Committee); Wednesday, September 12, 2012, at 9:00AM in the Committee Room (2nd Floor of Durham City Hall, 101 City Hall Plaza).  Persons with disabilities will be accommodated -- provisions must be requested at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.


Public Workshops

·       Hillsborough -- 9/13, “The Town Barn,” 4-7 PM;

·       Durham -- 9/18, Durham Station Transportation Center, 4-7PM; and,

·       Chapel Hill -- 9/20, Chapel Hill Town Hall, 4-7PM.


Who can I contact?

Comments and questions should be directed to:

               Andy Henry, City of Durham, Transportation Department

               101 City Hall Plaza

               Durham, NC  27701

               E-mail:    Phone:  (919) 560-4366, ext. 36419


Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 4:00pm to 7:00pm


Town Barn, Hillsborough

DCHC MPO Transit Alternatives Analysis Public Workshop - Chapel Hill

What is this program?

The DCHC MPO programs state and federal transportation projects in our region.  The MPO is reviewing different alternatives for meeting future transportation needs and inviting citizens to participate.  The public comment period will be from Friday, August 17, 2012 through Wednesday, October 10, 2012.


How can I participate?

There are several options for participating, including: -- Web site provides:

§  A description and presentation (tables and maps) of the alternatives – See “Alternatives Analysis” or use this link:


§  An email link for making comments; and,

§  List of opportunities to provide your comments at the local government level (see list in Introduction document).


Public Hearing – Citizens can provide feedback to local elected officials (Transportation Advisory Committee); Wednesday, September 12, 2012, at 9:00AM in the Committee Room (2nd Floor of Durham City Hall, 101 City Hall Plaza).  Persons with disabilities will be accommodated -- provisions must be requested at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.


Public Workshops

·       Hillsborough -- 9/13, “The Town Barn,” 4-7 PM;

·       Durham -- 9/18, Durham Station Transportation Center, 4-7PM; and,

·       Chapel Hill -- 9/20, Chapel Hill Town Hall, 4-7PM.


Who can I contact?

Comments and questions should be directed to:

               Andy Henry, City of Durham, Transportation Department

               101 City Hall Plaza

               Durham, NC  27701

               E-mail:    Phone:  (919) 560-4366, ext. 36419


Thursday, September 20, 2012 - 4:00pm to 7:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall



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