Our Transit Future
Last night marked the first meeting of the Orange County Board of Commissioners this year and hopefully the first post in a push by OrangePolitics to take a deeper look at the board and its biweekly meetings. Since the board had not met in over a month, the agenda was quite crowded, but a few items are worth delving into.
Hope some folks will join me in observing the Orange Commissioners' work session on transit, Thursday, 7 PM, at the Southern Human Services Center on Homestead Road.
The title of the agenda item: Triangle Regional Transit Program – Orange County Bus and
Rail Investment Plan; Alternatives Analysis and the Locally Preferred Alternative. There are two attachments. The first was compiled by County staff and is interesting, in many ways.
Ruby (with Izzy) were the bulk of the citizens in the room for the Commissioners' discussion of transit last last month. Because Izzy declared that he had other priorities, Ruby left me to let the Commissioners know that the grassroots organization was out there waiting for a signal from the Commissioners to get going on a transit referendum. It will most likely happen in the November 2012 election
The Triangle area continues to experience explosive growth — growth that requires increased mobility demands. Improvements must be made to the local transportation systems to maintain the area's quality of life and continue to attract new industry, jobs and residents.
It's time for the Triangle Regional Transit Program, a comprehensive study effort to look at regional transit rail opportunities and explore expanded regional busway networks. The program, spanning Orange, Durham and Wake counties, is an exciting move forward toward transit connectivity in the Triangle.
Seven public workshops have been scheduled for March 22 - 31 around the Triangle to present the corridors, alignments, and station locations for public feedback. The workshops will be run 'open house, drop in' style with information displays, staff to answer questions, and looping videos. There is no single presentation time. This is the third and final round of public workshops during the Alternatives Analysis period. Public comment will be taken at the workshops and online at www.ourtransitfuture.com or 800-816-7817.
Thursday, March 24, 2011 - 4:00pm to 7:00pm
The Friday Center- 100 Friday Center Drive, Chapel Hill
The regional transit workshops are continuing to happen and it's more important than ever that folks who care about the future of regional transit attend these workshops. You can stop by at any point during the event and talk to someone. No need to stat for the whole event.
This time, the workshop is being held in Carrboro at the Century Center! Emphasis will be placed on the technical analysis of the different corridor options displayed at the first meeting (back when they met at Chapel Hill town hall last month). How does Carrboro fit in? How will Carrboro benefit? Now is a really crucial time for folks who want to see West Chapel Hill and Carrboro included in a light rail plant, so stop by between 4 and 7PM on Sept. 16, 2010.
Series 2 public workshops:
The Triangle Regional Transit Program is moving forward with dedicated, passionate partners, including transportation and government organizations. However, our vision cannot come to fruition without your vital input. You, the public, are our client, our customer. And for our plans to be meaningful, we need to hear your thoughts and insight about the Triangle’s transit future.
So what do you think? Please join us for one of the upcoming public meetings so your voice can be heard. With meetings being held throughout the Triangle, there is sure to be one convenient to you. We look forward to seeing you there.
If you cannot make one of the public meetings, you can participate in the public involvement process in a number of ways. Please contact us to find out more.
Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 12:00pm to 3:00pm
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