June 2008

WCOM Benefit (all day) & DJ Get-together

Via e-mail:

Eat, drink & be merry at the Carolina Brewery with WCOM on Sunday June 22nd.

WCOM and the Carolina Brewery are hosting a DJ get-together and benefit. All day on Sunday 6/22 the Carolina Brewery will generously donate a portion of every meal ticket when you tell them you're there for WCOM.

This is your chance to get to know the WCOM DJs and talk show hosts off the air. WCOM volunteers will gather there from 5-7pm.

Invite your friends and help support your all-volunteer community radio station by enjoying great food and beverage. Remember to tell them you're there for WCOM.

We hope to see you and we thank you for your support.


Sunday, June 22, 2008 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm


Carolina Brewery

OWASA eyeing Jordan Lake water

Having just read this article (http://www.newsobserver.com/news/orange/story/1103191.html) I do not know how I feel about this issue. On one and Jordan Lake seems to be a rather large body of water. So, why not tap into it?

On the other hand, it is a fixed source of water and as I look around I see many people and institutions waste this precious resource (water). Let's use the water that we have responsibly first. Then, when we need more, tap into other sources. I am leaning towards this idea.

Oy, the heat!

I've got a few posts bouncing around in my head, but I haven't had time to blurt them out coherently. What's on your minds, readers?


UPDATE: Friday is just too darn crowded, so we're moving to Thursday!

Update to the update: There is a big meeting about Carolina North on Thursday so we will just need to find a new time, probably after July 4th so we can plan properly. Stay tuned. 

Since this is the same day & time as Hillsborough Last Friday art walk, I'd like to do it up there but I know most of the restaurants are packed on last Fridays so not sure where...


Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm



Check out Ruby on WCOM 103.5 LP FM

OrangePolitics.org's own Ruby Sinreich will be my guest today on WCOM's West End Report (6pm). Ruby and I will be discussing the talk of the town, primarily getting the audience updated on the Abbey Court situation.

Once again being inspired by Tom Arnel's Placeholder show's Guest DJ feature, I have also asked Ruby to bring along her favorite music to play.

Ruby on WCOM's West End Report

Via host Lynda-Marie Taurasi:

Hey all!

So, Ruby Sinreich, editor and founder of OrangePolitics.org will be my guest today on WCOM's West End Report (6pm). Ruby is fresh back from Minneapolis where she attended the National Conference for Media Reform

Check out her blog on her website here

Once again being inspired by Tom Arnel's Placeholder show's Guest DJ feature, I have also asked Ruby to bring along her favorite music to play.

I plan on recording the show too, and think I will either start up a blog where you can listen to the show at a later date...still all in the works.

Thank you so much for those that responded about the Humpty Dance song. I got the track, and in the next few weeks, I will be creating a music bed for my intro.

Remember, my little gig is still in the beginning creative stages, so thank you again to Ruby for being my Guinea Pig (it's OK Ruby, I have done this before though it's been a while.)

If you are not in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area, you can listen online here

We welcome calls for questions for Ruby 919-929-9601

Thanks so much...and remember

SUPPORT COMMUNITY MEDIA and GIVE THE FINGER TO CORPORATE RADIO. Listen to WCOM 103.5 LP FM Carrboro's All-Volunteer Community Radio station! www.communityradio.coop




Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 2:00pm to 2:30pm


WCOM 103.5 FM, webcast www.communityradio.coop

House party for The People's Channel

Via e-mail:

The People's Channel will be having a wonderful fundraiser/house party on Saturday June 28th 7-9pm, and y'all should come by for some delicious food and drink!

Who: The People's Channel, Chapel Hill and Orange County (soon Carrboro) Community Media Center

What: A House Party to benefit The Peoples Channel--A non-profit Community Media Center providing area citizens opportunity to exercise free speech through media production, education, and distribution of cable programming.

When: Saturday, June 28 7-9 p.m. Please join us for some exquisite food and drinks and great company. Suggested donation per person $20

Where: The Common House in Pacifica, at the end of Hanna St. in Carrboro Hosted by Vimala Rajendran 919.967.3864 vimala.rajendran@gmail.com The Peoples Channel 919.960.0088 tpc@thepeopleschannel.org

Why: So the people that bring you Democracy NOW every night on your TV get funding AND to support your Community Media! I should remind folks that TPC is overworked and underpaid. We operate on a bare bones budget and have very few resources. So please consider a contribution! We are in serious need of equipment upgrades...

Thank you all!



Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 3:00pm


Common House in Pacifica, Hanna St. in Carrboro

"Gashole" screenings

A friend of mine saw this film and recommended it. It's a documentary about "the history of Oil prices and the future of alternative fuels." Apparently the screening will benefit Chapel Hill's Clean Cities Coalition (not sure who/what that is). From http://www.gasholemovie.com/Tour.html

In lieu of traditional distribution, and due to the important nature of the topic, the Producers have opted to pursue a unique model in which the filmmakers will personally attend the premiere of "GasHole" in dozens of cities. Each screening will be followed by Question and Answers with the filmmakers and some cities will include a local panel of experts.

It is very important to the entire GASHOLE TEAM that this project generate as much good will and practical solutions as possible. In many cities the premiere of the movie will be included in a Benefit Fund Raising Event to raise money for local worthy causes, such as Historical Theater Renovation, Youth Scholarships and local chapters of The Clean Cities Coalition. Each Benefit Event will be unique to that city and organization, but each will include a screening of the Documentary "GasHole" followed by a reception with the filmmakers Jeremy Wagener and Scott D. Roberts.

Time: 2 Screenings and Q & A's, 3:00pm and 5:30pm


Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 11:00am


Galaxy Cinema, Cary

Critiquing local businesses

I feel very strongly that it is important to support our local businesses. I go out of my way to do this because without them we would be forced to shop at larger, less personable chains where our local dollars are shipped out to their corporate headquarters. Once there the money would be spent on national advertising as well as the development of other big-box stores with their sprawling parking lots and filled with the same, foreign made crap that I could buy in their other stores across the country.

By spending my money in my home town I have learned that the local businesses have a different variety of products, and that the owners are competing for my business. So they are happy to make minor accommodations to keep me as a customer. Furthermore, if I want to know where something came from all I have to do is ask the clerk or owner of the business.


Since the start-up of BlueNC, I haven't paid a lot of attention to local politics. So imagine my surprise to find that the Chapel Hill Town Council voted on Monday to give its members health insurance for life. I can't find the story covered here, so I apologize if this is old news to everyone besides me.

But old news or not, I have to say, I'm stunned.



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