August 2014

Solarize Chapel Hill Kickoff


Solarize Chapel Hill is a grassroots effort that makes it simple and affordable to go solar. We organize neighbors together for free solar assessments and group discounts.

This event will have solar experts to step you through each phase of the process: design and installation, connection to your utility, how to qualify for tax credits that cover up to 65% of the installation costs, and options for financing. Our panel will also answer all of your questions.

Everyone in Orange County is eligible to participate!


Wednesday, September 3, 2014 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm


Chapel Hill Public Library

Solarize Hillsborough Kickoff

Solarize Hillsborough is a grassroots effort that makes it simple and affordable to go solar. We organize neighbors together for free solar assessments and group discounts.

This event will have solar experts to step you through each phase of the process: design and installation, connection to your utility, how to qualify for tax credits that cover up to 65% of the installation costs, and options for financing. Our panel will also answer all of your questions.

Everyone in Orange County is eligible to participate!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Durham Tech Orange County Campus



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