How did we do?

OK, first the election results. Congratulations Barry, Earl, Lindy, Debbia, Donna, Brenda, and Anne!  Then, the Pundits of the Year! (I know you can't wait, right?)

These are final UNOFFICIAL results from the NC Board of Elections awesome web site (click the "map" links to see results by precinct)...

Election Day Open Thread

Did you vote today or early? What's going on out there?  

I expect some reports on this page from some the students who worked on the site this semester and hopefully other readers will chime in as you usually do.  This year, we're also using Twitter to track election goings on, so I'm embedding a feed of the latest tweets tagged #OCNCelect (per last week's survey).

OP 2010 Election Preview

Check out my local election preview in three parts:


Who's the biggest political geek in the county?

Play now!

OK, the election is a few days away.  This has not been the most exciting election season, but sometimes the smallest stakes can inspire the strongest emotions.  It's time for our annual Pundit of the Year contest.

Zazzle modelSubmissions are open until 7:30 pm on Tuesday (when the real polls also close). Results will be announced by the weekend. The winner gets a free OP t-shirt or hat in the size and color of your choosing (by way of a gift certificate to the online OP store).

Joe Phelps and the Realtors

Last week the upstanding Greater Chapel Hill Association of Realtors* announced they were endorsing realtor Joe Phelps for at-large County Commissioner (as well as farmer Earl McKee in district 2). How in-depth was the research behind this endorsement? They didn't even look at the other candidates.

The association said neither Jacobs nor Broun approached them about an endorsement.

“If we had been, we would have met with them and listened to their views,” Zimmerman said.

Daily Tar Heel: "Realtor association at odds with Carrboro mayor over endorsement" April 21, 2010 



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