County Commissioner Website Reviews

These are my reviews of all of the websites of the candidates running for County Commissioner! I will be looking at web sites in other races in the coming weeks. Let me know what you think!

Live Blogging the Downtown Public Forum

The Town of Chapel Hill and the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership are planning the process for the future of downtown Chapel Hill. The Downtown Public Forum is Thursday, April 8, at 8:30 a.m. and again at 4:30 p.m. The event will be held in the second floor Great Room at the Top of the Hill Restaurant. If you can't make either forum please open OP on your browser and tune into my coverage of the event. I will be in attendance at the morning forum.  

Mark and Mark make the pitch to Google

It has come to my attention that not all of you have seen the video that the Mayors of Chapel Hill and Carrboro made to convince Google to bring their fiber optic network to southern Orange County. It's really super cheesy, but a nice effort was made. I kind of think it would have been more engaging if the mayors weren't so scripted (not like either of them needs help gabbing) and if it showed some of the parts of the community that would benefit from high-speed Internet. 

Here's the video...

Rigorous debate at NAACP candidate forum

Last night, the Chapel Hill/Carrboro chapter of the NAACP held a candidate’s forum for the County Commissioner at-large and County Sheriff’s race.

The candidates present were: Clarence Birkhead, Lindy Pendergrass, Joal Hall Broun, Barry Jacobs and Joe Phelps. Alice Gordon also stopped by, even though she is uncontested in her County Commissioner race in District 1.

There was actually a lot of ground covered at the forum. Among the topics discussed was the 287g Program, overcrowding in county jails, funding for the Chapel Hill library and Google Fiber Optics.

Most notable was William Thorp, the NAACP chapter chair, giving an impassioned plea to the commissioner-hopefuls to fix the situation in Rogers Road. The plea came in the wake of a new report that found 9 out of 11 wells in the region were contaminated and a quarter of the septic tanks in the area were in disrepair.

NCDOT Yields to Carrboro on Smith Level Rd

The N&O just announced that NCDOT has agreed to build Carrboro's preferred design for Smith Level Rd, but is dropping their previous requirement that Carrboro must pick up the ongoing maintenance tab for the roadway if the town's preferred design is to be accepted.  



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