And now it is time to review the web sites for the candidates running for Sheriff in Orange County. (See the first in this series of web site reviews here.) Since there are only three candidates I was able to look at these sites at the same time and do more of a comparison between the three.
Hey Mark, what's all this business about you making UNC's Director of Local Relations hand over her contact list? All you're going to find out is who wants to know what UNC is doing, in other words: everyone.
I understand you've also asked the Town of Chapel Hill to share all official e-mail regarding relocating the homeless shelter. I can kind of imagine what you're trying to get at there, but I doubt you'll find anything useful. So maybe Mayor Foy and the Chancellor Moeser made some kind of arrangement to transfer this land, that's already publicly apparent. What does that prove? How will that help your neighbors' cause to keep the Interfaith Council's Community House out of the neighborhood? It almost seems like you want to intimidate public officials, Mark. I'm not sure why.
As usual, there's some good in the Independent Weekly's endorsements, and some bad, and... oh hey, there's a judicial race this year? Wow, thanks for the heads up, Indy.
They recommend Renee Price for Commissioner District 2, and Barry Jacobs for the At-large district. I'm sure some of you readers will respectfully disagree and prefer Joal Broun, but I think she's fine where she is and I'd would rather see Barry continue his good work on the Board of County Commissioners.
The surprise for me was that they chose to endorse 28-year incumbent Lindy Pendergrass for Sheriff rather than former Hillsborough Police Chief Clarence Birkhead. There is no doubt that Pendergrass has served us well (for longer than some voters have been alive), but Birkhead seems more in line with Orange County values today.
For Orange County School Board, they picked Debbie Piscitelli, Anne Medenblik, Donna Dean Coffey, Laura Nicholson. But they didn't offer much explanation for not endorsing Brenda Stephens, I thought.
Here's the Indy's entire slate:
A great community tradition returns on Thursday, April 22: The 1360 WCHL Community Forum.
This year, we are inviting members of the community to send in suggested questions which may be used during the sessions. If you’d like to submit a question for consideration, please e-mail it to:
We’d love to hear from you!
Also this year, we are returning to our roots and presenting ten topics in ten hours. Below are this year’s topics and panelists who are scheduled to appear (a few others are still awaiting confirmation).
For those not familiar with the "WCHL Community Forum", it iso ur most anticipated single day of broadcasting of the year. The tradition of delving into and focusing on issues facing our community started many years ago… and brings together points of view of government officials, community leaders and citizens.
I hope you will be a part of the day by by sending in your questions.
Yup, I will be live-blogging yet another OC Commish forum for you guys! The forum is Wednesday April 14 in the Chapel Hill Council Chambers.
My coverage will be right here starting at 7pm. If you don't particularly want to go to the forum OR read my live-blog (where I periodically diverge on rants about people asking me to type softer)--the forum will also be televised live on the government access, Time Warner channel 18.
Scheduled to attend so far are: Joal Hall Broun, Alice Gordon, Barry Jacobs, Earl McKee, Joe Phelps and Renee Price.
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