This weekend, Chapel Hill lost one of the best human beings I've ever met. Ashley Osment was a civil rights lawyer, a mother, a musician, and a friend to many. She was always an inspiration to me as a woman who didn't just balance community activism with parenthood but truly integrated the two, and succeeded at both fantastically. She was so brave that after her ovarian cancer returned (with a vengeance), she responded in part writing a column in the Chapel Hill News about her experience. She knew she was dying.
A truly wonderful obituary (by Ashley's husband Al McSurely) is posted at the blog of Curmilus Dancy. I excerpt some of it below. I also recommend the profile of her published in The Carrboro Citizen in March. The public is invited to a memorial service for Ashley on Wednesday at 11:00 am at Chapel Hill Bible Church.
Guest post by Barbara Janeway on the results of the Transition Carrboro Chapel Hill brainstorming May 15 at Century Center:
Want our community to be safe and resilient through the coming effects of
unstable economy, climate change, and the end of cheap oil? A great start
was made on this issue at The Great Unleashing, held May 15 at Carrboro's
Century Center, sponsored by Transition Carrboro Chapel Hill.
Over 150 people attended and created the agenda for the day themselves,
identifying issues to work with. From these, 28 discussion groups met
throughout the day, and brainstormed! By day's end, a powerful
'unleashing' of ideas had occurred, and 21 Action Groups were formed.
Many positive visions of our future were communicated!
These Action Groups have begun to meet regularly. And those who join
will begin the work of transition in our region, to a more stable local
economy with more vibrant local resources. Anyone is welcome to join an
action group. The groups will do work on issues such as: more
affordable housing, communal gardening, energy independence, children's
sustainable education, skill-sharing, health, and many more.
As you probably know by now, Laura Nicholson has requested a runoff against current School Board Chair Anne Medenblik. The special runoff election will be held on June 22nd - the same day as the U.S. Senatorial showdown between Democrats Elaine Marshall and Cal Cunningham.
Under the rules for the non-partisan school board race, a candidate may request a runoff if one or more top vote getters fails to win more votes than the total number of votes cast divided by the number of candidates running.
In the school board race, the threshold was 2,636 votes. Medenblik, who finished fourth in the race for four seats, won 2,565 votes; Nicholson won 2,500 votes
- N&O: Runoff ahead in Orange County, 5/13/10
According to this morning's Herald-Sun, the Orange County "Board of Commissioners is one of the first government bodies in the nation to seek to define social justice and make it a backdrop for its decisions." The Human Relations Advisory Board presented a draft of their document to the BoCC on May 13. The full document is available at:
For those who don't have time to read the full document, here's the bare bones.
In working to seek social justice, Orange County shall perform government duties including policy-making and budgeting with the express objectives of:
1. Striving for the elimination of oppression and inequity by creating an environment of equal opportunity in which no groups are targeted for harassment, exclusion, intimidation or violence.
Bike to Work Week opens with elected officials, closes with people in thestreets
The Triangle celebrates National Bike to Work Week with North Carolina’sfirst ‘open-streets’ event in Durham and regional events
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