David Price

Rep. David Price to Speak on Health Insurance Reform at the Fearrington Barn

The Fearrington Democratic Club
Is pleased to invite residents of Fearrington Village, Chatham and
Orange Counties to hear
US Rep. David Price
Speak on the
Reform of the US Health Insurance System
Sunday, September 27th at 2:00 PM
The Barn
In Fearrington Village
Rep. Price with be happy to all questions from the audience.
In addition the meeting time is set to avoid conflict with the
Jewish High Holiday of Yom Kippur.
Rep. Price received his undergraduate degree at UNC-Chapel Hill and went on to Yale University to earn a Bachelor of Divinity and Ph.D. in Political Science. Before he began serving in Congress in 1987, Price was a professor of Political Science and Public Policy at Duke University. He is the author of four books on Congress and the American political system.
Price currently serves on the House Appropriations Committee and is chair of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee. He is also a member of the Appropriations subcommittees for Interior and Environment and for Transportation, Housing and Urban Development. He is a recognized leader in foreign policy, heading the House Democracy Assistance Commission, which he initiated to help strengthen parliaments in emerging democracies. He has played a leading role in holding the Administration accountable for conduct of the Iraq War and in the effort to negotiate a just peace in the Middle East. In North Carolina, David's constituents know him as a strong supporter of education, accessible health care, affordable housing, clean air and water, and improved transportation alternatives.


Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 10:00am


The Barn at Fearrington Village

I Accuse! An Open Letter to Congressman David Price

As constituents of the 4th District we have a responsibility to hold our representative to the House of Representatives, Congressman David Price, accountable for his lopsided, and unconscionable support and sanctioning of the state of Israel's current massacre of Gazans in our name.  His 'thoughtful comments' are not sufficient to cover for his unthoughtful action as expressed with his vote in favor of HR 34 last Friday.  I invite all to join Dr. Sarah Shields in this open letter to David Price.

P.S. For more information, tommorow is Understanding Gaza: A Teach-In on the Current Crises


CANCELLED! Movie: 'Who Killed the Electric Car' at the Trains


Today the President announced loans for bailing out the automotive industry. While it is important to save jobs, fuel efficiency improvements and safeguards for consumers and the environment have not been a part of any of the failed legislation considered by Congress up until now, and much less by the administration in today's announcement.  With this bail-out our government is demonstrating once again, as with the financial bail-out, a catastrophic shortsightedness.  We are missing a great opportunity for retrofitting our highly carbon intensive infrastructure.  We could be dealing with global warming and peak oil while at the same time priming the real economy.

CANCELLED: the Carrborogreenspace (The WITT in exile) will be presenting 'Who Killed the Electric Car" at the Station at Southern Rail (201-c East Main Street), Carrboro.  The auto-industry has actively continued to ignore all the signs that would have lead to a saner predicament then the one that they find themselves in today.  This movie demonstrates the complicity that we are inheriting as our govenment throws money away to an industry that could be made to do better....  come out, inform yourself, and hold your Representative accountable to the highest standards.  Discussion to follow after the movie.


The Station at The Southern Rail, 2201-c East Main St., Carrboro

Rep. Price on Automobile Industry Bailout

This week after a lot of theatre by Democrats in Congress appearing to be tough on the big three, the automotive industry is likely to be bailed out.  Congress rejected the initial proposal by the automakers and asked them to come back with a better proposal and not in Leer jets.  They came back with their new proposals by car. 

Rep. Price on the airport

Received the following from Rep. Price on the airport. Others may have received essentially the same communication, so apologies if this has already appeared elsewhere.

Noted, #1: the overt designation (twice) of the proposed airport as a "general aviation airport" - not a "University airport."

Noted, #2: his disavowal of having any role, even with his acknowledgment that funding and eminent domain are concerns. And while he does believe that OC board should join UNC and NCGA in the decision process, the outer limit of citizens' role or power should be "input."

Noted, #3: the specific information about funding sources -- indication is that the state legislature actually could/will control funding. Not necessarily news but a clear suggestion about where the action ultimately could/will be - not encouraging for opponents.



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