open thread

Forum Open Thread: Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board

Welcome, everyone! This page is an open thread for conversation about the live Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board candidate forum.

Earthquake! Where were you when you felt it?

Filing Day Open Thread

Today at noon began the 14-day filing period for candidates running for any of the 21 seats that Damon told us about. We'll celebrate the end of filing with the next OP happy hour on July 15th in Hillsborough.

Think we'll see any surprises? 

Return of the open thread

We haven't had one in a while. How are y'all?

Ice ice baby

So the 2-3 inches of snow never materialized, but we got just enough ice to slow things to a halt and shut down the schools.

This isn't the kind of snow day where there's much fun to be had outside. What are y'all making of it?



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