
Take my endorsements, please!

Early voting is well underway, and many of you have already made up your minds about who to vote for. This is our annual special-rules post to learn who your favorites on this year's ballot. Here's OP's 2012 candidate list including links to all of their websites. And our eletion info in general is at orangepolitics.org/elections-2012.

The rules: only write who you are voting for (and why, if you like). You may also list the people you would vote for if you lived in their districts. Do not refer (by name or specific description) to any candidates that you are not publicly supporting. If you do not follow the rules, your comments will be removed. (You are free to write comments on other posts, or even post your own blog entry, that are critical of the candidates. In fact, you are warmly invited to do so!)

The Independent Weekly has endorsed Penny Rich, Mark Dorosin, and Renee Price for County Commissioner!

Been thinking about whether there are some endorsements a candidate would rather not have, or slates you don't want to be on.

Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast

Last week, I received a press release about the 2011 endorsements by the Anderson-Thorpe-Chapman Breakfast Club (quoted in its entirety at the end of this post). Unfortunately, the statement raised more questions than it answered. I spoke by phone with my friend Nate Davis, corresponded with NAACP representative Rob Stephens, and also e-mailed Fred Battle and Al McSurely, but was not able to get any answers to my questions. If candidates and the media are going to tout these endorsements, I think we should know a little more about where they came from.

The most important endorsement...

... yours!  The most influential endorsements of all are the opinions of people you know and trust.  This is our annual special-rules post to share YOUR favorites on this year's ballots. Here's OP's 2011 candidate list including links to all of their websites.

The rules: only write who you are voting for (and why, if you like). You can also list the people you would vote for if you lived in their districts. Do not refer (by name or specific description) to any candidates that you are not voting for or publicly supporting. If you do not follow the rules, your comments will be removed. In other words: keep it positive please.

[Note: I published this post and then took it down about a week ago. I got the sense that some folks wanted to wait until after more forums, especially OP's, were concluded to make final recommendation. I hope you're ready to go now!]



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