December 2008

Boomers come of age

I normally do not post these links but I believe this video from Newsday fits a segment of the regional population of which I am part of:,0,1036393.blurb

Make sure you put your sound on.

WSM BoD Meeting Answers "How Bad Can It Get?"

The Weaver Street Market Board of Directors will meet Wednesday December 17 at 201 North Greensboro Street downtown Carrboro at 6:15pm.  The Board will seek to answer the question posed in last month's meeting: "How bad can it get?"  This is regarding the negative cash flow in the last fiscal quarter.

In the last fiscal quarter, the worker-owners did not receive a dividend.  Consumer-owners receive a dividend as a point-of-sale discount.  Is this fair?

Basically, if you own a share in the Co-Op, this is the one Board meeting you need to attend!  Contact WSM BoD Chair J. Myers at to inform him you will attend (meal provided by Panzanella Restaurant) and to receive an emailed copy of the meeting agenda.

I really want additional co-op owners to attend! 

Light Up The Night For Equality - NC Style

I'll be going on a local radio station (WCHL) later this week to have this commentary played.  I think it illustrates exactly why we need to have this event in North Carolina & events like it across the nation this weekend, and why unseen support is dangerously close to no support at all.


Fundraiser for Orange County Voice

Via the OrangeChat blog:

Orange County Voice, a citizens group organized against siting an airport or a trash depot in southwest Orange County, will hold a fundraiser Saturday at Harry's Market to help pay legal fees to fight the county's plan to site a garbage transfer station on Highway 54 west of White Cross.

The sale and raffle will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 20 at Harry's Market, 3300 N.C. Highway 54. Art and baked goods will be on sale, and musicians will be playing. $10 raffle tickets will give a chance to win art, pottery, wood-working or gift certificates from local businesses such as Harry's and Fiesta Grill. The raffle drawing will happen at 2 p.m.

For more information, call Harry's at (919) 932-7025 or visit



Saturday, December 20, 2008 - 3:00am to 11:00am


Harry's Market, 3300 N.C. Highway 54

New County Tax Values Must Account for Lower Property Values Around Potential Airport Sites

Airport Action Group 

NEWS RELEASE                                                                                                                                      December 15, 2009

The airport, AHEC, Bacon and "sick children"

Twin stories in this morning's CH News from Mark Schultz on the front page: "UNC Pledges Cooperation on Airport" and inside:  "UNC Gave State Airport Bill Language."   Kudos (or the candy of choice) to Schultz for digging away at the behind-closed-doors stuff - e.g., just who from the Univ. was talking to the legislature, seeking the eminent domain provision, etc.; and kudos for going after some actual numbers.  Would expect, however, that assurances of cooperation will be received by citizens with the usual and appropriate skepticism - keep those cards and letters coming...

Three irksome aspects of the stories, at least for me: 

A. The attrition theme - the persistent suggestion that AHEC participants will opt out if they don't like airport location.

White House Transition Project on WCOM

Terry Sullivan from UNC's White House Transition Project was a guest on WCOM's The West End Report. You can listen to the Podcast by clicking here.


Update on the New Spirit

I apologize for my long absence.

Here is an update on what is happening locally, post-Obama campaign, among the folks who want to keep the spirit alive and help make change happen!

Last Sunday, there were three "House Parties" held around the County. One in Carrboro, another in North Carrboro and a third in Hillsborough. (I don't know the total attendance, I was at N. Carrboro and we must have had two dozen or more people.)

When we started, before Thanksgiving, we were sort of groping in the dark for how we were going to organize. It has begun to galvanize, but we are still dealing with communication issues, like too many emails about too many subjects! It reminds me of the early days of the Primary, which is a good thing.

Here are the three major things that are happening right now:

Any members of Freecycle?

I heard reference to on the radio yesterday, described as an organization to promote free exchange or donation of unwanted things that ought not to go to the landfill and still possibly useful.  There is an Orange County group - is anyone here a member?  How does it work?

CANCELLED! Movie: 'Who Killed the Electric Car' at the Trains


Today the President announced loans for bailing out the automotive industry. While it is important to save jobs, fuel efficiency improvements and safeguards for consumers and the environment have not been a part of any of the failed legislation considered by Congress up until now, and much less by the administration in today's announcement.  With this bail-out our government is demonstrating once again, as with the financial bail-out, a catastrophic shortsightedness.  We are missing a great opportunity for retrofitting our highly carbon intensive infrastructure.  We could be dealing with global warming and peak oil while at the same time priming the real economy.

CANCELLED: the Carrborogreenspace (The WITT in exile) will be presenting 'Who Killed the Electric Car" at the Station at Southern Rail (201-c East Main Street), Carrboro.  The auto-industry has actively continued to ignore all the signs that would have lead to a saner predicament then the one that they find themselves in today.  This movie demonstrates the complicity that we are inheriting as our govenment throws money away to an industry that could be made to do better....  come out, inform yourself, and hold your Representative accountable to the highest standards.  Discussion to follow after the movie.


The Station at The Southern Rail, 2201-c East Main St., Carrboro



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