September 2010
On Saturday we'll be having a special OP Brunch (think: OP Happy Hour, but earlier) with Deanna Zandt. She's the author of the new book Share This! How You Will Change the World with Social Networking. We'll have a discussion of how new media can be used for hyperlocal activism, how it IS used here in OC, and probably a variety of other interesting topics that are likely to come up in conversation with Deanna who is smart, funny, and has great politics and fun stories from many years of work for left-wing causes and personalities.
I'll update this post with a LOCATION and confirmation of the time as soon as possible. And I'll tweet it at @orangepolitics, natch. We'll meet on the lawn at Weaver Street market.
Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 6:30am
Weaver Street Market lawn, Carrboro
When I first learned about the proposed framework for downtown, I was amazed to see such big, new ideas being proposed by the consultant hired by the Town of Chapel Hill and the Downtown Partnership. This proposal presents an opportunity for Chapel Hill to do something visionary and to once again have a thriving urban center that is the envy of other communities. But.
The only way that this Big Idea will evolve into a Good Idea is if Chapel Hill can make this vision our own. Not only that, but I also think this plan might have trouble being approved in Chapel Hill without generating significant community investment in its approach. Or, as I said in June:
Orange County has pressing local needs including education, infrastructure, social services, health, and small business support - just to name a few. We continually are forced to wrangle over restricted budgets which pit important local needs against one another. Meanwhile about $2600 per county citizen leaves Orange County annually for the national military budget. That's a total of about $351million.
Our current annual county budget is about $178 million. Imagine what we could accomplish for the citizens of Orange County if just 10% of our military contribution was retained at home for local needs? Another $35 million annually would make a world of difference for us.
Make no mistake, U.S. military spending - the U.S.
Ruby's recent post about the problems with the Town's communication strategy regarding the new Downtown Development Framework got me to think about the ways in which our town's government does not use social media to communicate with constituents. I'll have more to say about this hopefully in a future blog post, but this one item jumped out at me:
The Women's Agenda Assembly is a forum for women's issues in our county. Our objective is to discuss four main issues: access to health care, civic participation and equality, economic self-sufficiency, and violence against women. Please register to hear about these issues and discuss them with your peers!
A statewide nonprofit, NC Women United, drafts a general women's agenda with detailed policy proposals for each installment of the forums, and coordinators and committee members plan assemblies at the local level. We recommend that you take a look at the Draft Agenda prior to the assembly.
We are still looking for volunteers for this event! We have the following needs:
- Facilitators: Guide discussion among groups of 10 (training provided!)
- Scribes: Record discussion from small groups.
- Registration: Help set up the event and check in participants.
Questions? Contact The Women's Center (919)968-4610Date:
Thursday, October 28, 2010 - 2:00pm to 4:30pm
New Hope Camp and Conference Center, 4805 NC 86
Joe Green has resigned from the CHCCS School Board (not that you'll notice that in the lack of media around here)
But I doubt we'll get into another "5th place finisher" fight because I heard MaryAnne Gucciardi moved out of the district as well. But I'm sure there will be interesting questions about whether to appoint another African-American. Or why not a Hispanic- or Asian-American given the large populations (14 and 11% respectively)?
Family Friendly Fundraiser
to benefit
Elaine Marshall
for U.S. Senate
Please join us to meet Elaine Marshall and find out why she will make such an excellent Senator representing the state of North Carolina. Elaine has a long history of supporting North Carolina's families through her dedicated public service. If you still believe in HOPE and CHANGE, then Elaine needs your support. Join us for a fun afternoon and the chance to talk with Elaine about what she will do to make sure America remains a great place for our children.
Sunday, September 26
4:00-7:00 PM
At the home of Graig and Jennifer Meyer
People of all ages and family configurations are welcome to attend.
Plenty of Entertainment for All Ages:
Live music
Get a cheap, delicious dinner from Captain Poncho's Taco Truck!
Enjoy a local microbrew on tap.
Play Areas for the Kids
Donations at any level are welcome.
Special Family Friendly Suggested Donation:
$50 for any family with kids.
Those Superstars who donate at the levels below will be recognized at the event.
$2400 MAXOUT!!! This is the most you can donate under Federal campaign rules.
Sponsored By:
Jeff and Laurie Abbey
Henry and Euba McKoy
Esteban and Dana McMahan
Graig and Jennifer Meyer
Rodney and Kenya Trice
Sunday, September 26, 2010 - 12:00pm to 3:00pm
9603 Leslie Drive, Chapel Hill NC 27516
Just got back from NC Pride a few hours ago. It was great fun. Saw friends, organizations, groups, and elected officials from across the triangle. Tons of Elaine Marshall signs around. Lots of pro-equality churches, and animal welfare/adoption tents. Here are some of my pictures of the grounds/tents/speeches and parade. Enjoy!
Okay, so I tried loading like 50 some photos with the photo thingy & they don't seem to show up in the preview window at all, so here is a link to where I put them up on BlueNC. (if I can figure out what went wrong I'll try editing to upload some of them again)
I'll be there!
The BlogTogether Birthday Bash will be a free event open to writers and readers in North Carolina. Our goal: to celebrate all the bloggers in the Triangle — no matter how short or long you’ve been at it.
So come ready to meet your blogging heroes, introduce yourself to new friends, and enjoy the diversity of our regional blogging activities (education, politics, technology, food, faith, and so much more).
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 2:30pm
1007 West Main Street, Durham
Invitation to Presidents and Treasurers of Orange County Schools Parent Organizations
Presidents and Treasurers of Orange County Schools (OCS) Parent Organizations are invited to attend an informational meeting hosted by the OCS Finance Department. This meeting allows you to provide feedback on proposed changes to the School Board's Parent Organization Policy #5010 (
When: September 30, 2010
Time: 7 p.m. until 8 p.m.
Where: A.L. Stanback Library/Media Center
Thursday, September 30, 2010 - 3:00pm
A.L. Stanback Library/Media Center
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OrangePolitics is a not-for-profit website for discussing progressive perspectives on politics, planning, and public policy in Orange County, NC. Opinions are those of their authors. Learn more.
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